“Structured Learning for the Same Price of Day Care"

— Jaycees Foundation President - Steve Novak

Maryland childcare

kids in daycare

The Importance of Early Childhood Education: Why Daycare Matters

Welcome to Jaycee’s Early Learning Center, a leading daycare center in Fort Washington, Maryland, committed to providing exceptional early childhood education. As parents, we understand the importance of making the right choice for our children’s education. In this blog, we will explore why early childhood education and daycare play a vital role in a child’s…


Four Ways To Foster Social Skills in Children at Daycare

When your child enters daycare it’s important for them to begin to grow their social skills as they interact with other children. At Jaycee’s Early Learning Center in Maryland, we strive to provide resources so children continue to thrive in this new environment. In this blog, we will discuss four ways your child can advance…