“Structured Learning for the Same Price of Day Care"

— Jaycees Foundation President - Steve Novak

Four Ways To Foster Social Skills in Children at Daycare BB Featured Image

Four Ways To Foster Social Skills in Children at Daycare

Jun 21, 2023

When your child enters daycare it’s important for them to begin to grow their social skills as they interact with other children. At Jaycee’s Early Learning Center in Maryland, we strive to provide resources so children continue to thrive in this new environment. In this blog, we will discuss four ways your child can advance their social skills in daycare, and contact us today to learn more about our programs. 

4 Educational Games Played at Daycare Infographic

two girls playing with toys together

Encourage Playtime

Our early learning programs are all about encouraging children to interact with one another to develop social skills in various environments. Playtime is an essential part of this development as it motivates children to learn how to communicate with one another. As daycare providers, we can facilitate this by setting up group activities and games to encourage interaction and cooperation. 

two girls playing with toys together

Provide Opportunities for Cooperation

When daycare centers provide opportunities for a child to work with others we help them learn how to cooperate with others. Activities that require children to work in pairs or groups can teach them how to share and cooperate when things don’t go their way. At our Maryland childcare center, we create activities that will help all kids learn how to solve problems and complete tasks to achieve a common goal.

smiling woman showing children how to paint

Model Positive Behaviors

All children learn by example, so it’s important for all daycare providers to model a positive attitude during the day. When we actively listen to a child and show them empathy, we use positive reinforcement to model appropriate behavior in daycare programs. Most children see this behavior and decide to replicate it. 

smiling woman playing with child

Encourage Communication

As children learn to communicate with other adults and kids, it’s crucial to engage in conversation so they feel comfortable talking to others. Daycare providers should ask open-ended questions, actively listen, and allow children to express themselves. Non-verbal communication can be taught through activities like story-telling. 

Social skills are a critical part of a child’s development and daycare centers like Jaycee’s Early Learning Center can provide an excellent environment for fostering these skills. Our goal is to help your child learn the necessary skills to succeed later in life, contact us today to learn more about our Maryland childcare center. 

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