“Structured Learning for the Same Price of Day Care"

— Jaycees Foundation President - Steve Novak

licensed daycare

Daycare Nutrition: Fueling Young Minds and Bodies

At Jaycee’s Early Learning Center, we recognize the vital role that nutrition plays in the growth and development of young children. Join us as we delve into the importance of daycare nutrition and its impact on nurturing healthy minds and bodies. Nutritional Foundations Our team places a strong emphasis on providing nutritious meals and snacks…


The Importance of Early Childhood Education: A Deep Dive

At Jaycee’s Early Learning Center, we understand the pivotal role early childhood education plays in shaping the future of young minds. Here, we explore the significance of early childhood education and its profound impact on children’s academic and social development. Critical Brain Development Jaycee’s Early Learning Center prioritizes the critical importance of early brain development….

kids hugging

Cultural Sensitivity in Daycare: Embracing Diversity at Jaycee’s Early Learning Center

At Jaycee’s Early Learning Center in Fort Washington, MD, we believe that every child deserves a nurturing and inclusive environment to thrive. As a licensed daycare and early childhood learning center, we recognize the profound importance of embracing diversity in shaping the experiences of young minds. In this blog, we delve into the cornerstone principles…

parents talking with teacher

Key Questions to Ask Daycare Teachers Before Enrolling Your Child

As parents, entrusting your child to a daycare is a significant decision, one that comes with numerous considerations. At Jaycees Early Learning Center, a leading name in licensed child care in Maryland, we understand the importance of this choice. To help you navigate this crucial process, we’ve compiled a short list of some of the…