“Structured Learning for the Same Price of Day Care"

— Jaycees Foundation President - Steve Novak

parents talking with teacher

Key Questions to Ask Daycare Teachers Before Enrolling Your Child

Jan 6, 2024

infographic with questions to ask daycare teachers before enrolling

As parents, entrusting your child to a daycare is a significant decision, one that comes with numerous considerations. At Jaycees Early Learning Center, a leading name in licensed child care in Maryland, we understand the importance of this choice. To help you navigate this crucial process, we’ve compiled a short list of some of the most essential questions to ask daycare teachers before deciding to enroll your little one. This guide will ensure that your child’s daycare experience in Maryland is nurturing, safe, and enriching and that your experience is stress-free. Let’s get started!

children listening to teacher

What Is Your Approach to Discipline?

Discipline in early childhood is not just about managing behavior — it’s about guiding and nurturing. A licensed daycare like ours focuses on positive reinforcement and constructive conflict resolution. It’s vital to understand how a childcare provider addresses behavioral issues. Ask about their strategies for instilling discipline and how they balance correction with encouragement.

teacher helping student

Do You Have any Special Training or Credentials?

The qualifications of those who will be caring for your child are paramount. In Maryland daycare centers, you want to look for educators with specialized training in early childhood development, and who understand some of the most important milestones children can go through during their time in daycare. Inquire about the staff’s credentials, ongoing professional development, and our commitment to staying abreast of the latest in child education.

teacher reading to young kids

What Is Your Approach to Learning and Development?

Each child is unique, and so should their learning journey. A great daycare center will offer a curriculum that caters to the individual needs of each child, fostering both academic and personal growth. Find out how the daycare integrates cognitive, social, and emotional development in their daily activities and how they cater each activity to include every child. This is a cornerstone of quality childcare services and should be taken very seriously and passionately.

school schedule

What Does Your Daily Schedule Look Like?

Understanding the daily routine is crucial for parents. It provides insight into how the daycare balances various activities, including learning, play, rest, and meals. A structured yet flexible schedule is a hallmark of an excellent daycare center, ensuring children are engaged and thriving throughout the day. Get a feel for how your potential daycare teacher builds their daily routines by sitting in on a lesson or having them break down their schedule in detail with you.

Choosing the right childcare for your child is a journey, and we at Jaycees Early Learning Center are here to guide you every step of the way. Our dedication to providing top-tier, licensed child care in Maryland is unwavering. We invite you to visit our daycare center, meet our passionate team, and see firsthand how we can contribute to your child’s early learning experience. Connect with us today to take the first step towards a brighter future for your child in a nurturing, stimulating environment.

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