“Structured Learning for the Same Price of Day Care"

— Jaycees Foundation President - Steve Novak


Activities To Help Prevent Summer Learning Loss in Children

With the warm weather and blue skies, your children are likely enjoying the fun in the sun, whether its playing in the park, splashing in the pool, or staying up later than usual. Whether a child is in school or in daycare, although summer break is a time for fun and relaxation, it can often…


The Benefits of Kids Summer Program

Now that summer is here, you may have been wondering what there is for your child to do while you are at work. For working parents, there are a variety of options and ways to keep their children entertained during the summer months without disrupting your schedule. One way parents can ensure that their children…


Reasons To Take Your Child To An Early Learning Center In Fort Washington, Part II

In our last blog, we covered some of the reasons why an early learning center is different from your average local daycare. Early learning centers are a great alternative to daycare, and for many children, early learning centers are a child’s first experience in a structured learning environment that not only has other children, but…


Reasons To Take Your Child To An Early Learning Center In Fort Washington

As a parent, you have a lot on your plate. You may have one or multiple jobs, you may be going to college to continue your education, you may be running errands or handling other responsibilities that may require you to find childcare. Daycare is typically what most parents are familiar with and it is…