“Structured Learning for the Same Price of Day Care"

— Jaycees Foundation President - Steve Novak

What Is Included in a Preschool Daycare Curriculum BB Featured Image

What Is Included in a Preschool Daycare Curriculum?

Dec 13, 2023

When it comes to choosing a daycare for your child, it is imperative to consider the curriculum that is offered. A comprehensive and stimulating preschool curriculum can equip your child with the foundational skills needed to support their early education.

To help you make an informed decision, this blog will examine what is included in a preschool daycare curriculum and will provide an overview of the excellent options available at Jaycees Early Learning Center in Fort Washington, MD. With a wide range of activities to engage and challenge young minds, Jaycees Early Learning Center offers a comprehensive preschool curriculum that helps children reach their full potential. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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What Is Included in a Preschool Daycare Curriculum Infographic

group of kids sitting on a mat at preschool

Circle Time

At Jaycees Early Learning Center, circle time is an essential part of the preschool curriculum. This interactive approach encourages children to hone their communication and social interaction skills. During circle time, children sing songs, listen to stories, and participate in discussions. These activities help them to learn the important skills of taking turns, sharing ideas, and interacting with their peers in a meaningful way. Circle time is a great way for children to develop these important skills in a fun and engaging way.

toddler painting at preschool

Arts and Crafts

We believe that arts and crafts activities are not only fun but also play a crucial role in a preschool daycare curriculum. Through these activities, children can explore their creativity, develop their fine motor skills, and express themselves. Our painting, drawing, and crafting projects are designed to nurture children’s imaginations and help them learn to express themselves. With these activities, we strive to create an environment that allows children to grow and develop in a safe and supportive environment.

two boys in preschool looking at books

Language and Literacy

We understand how vital language and literacy development are in the preschool curriculum. We prioritize activities that help children grow their language skills, such as storytime, phonics exercises, and letter recognition games. By participating in these activities, children are able to develop essential reading and writing skills, building a strong foundation for their future education. We are dedicated to providing our students with the best language and literacy development opportunities to ensure they have the resources needed for success.

smiling preschool teacher holding up all her fingers as counting to 10

Mathematics and Science

A well-rounded curriculum should include math and science activities to foster problem-solving skills and stimulate curiosity. Our young students engage in age-appropriate math and science activities, such as learning basic math operations, participating in counting and sorting exercises, and conducting hands-on science experiments. These activities not only help ignite an appreciation and love for learning math and science but also aid in developing critical thinking skills.

Why Choose Jaycees Early Learning Center?

At Jaycees Early Learning Center, we put the needs of your child first. Our teachers and caregivers are certified and credentialed professionals who are passionate about helping your child reach their educational goals. We focus on engaging activities to keep your child excited and motivated to learn. 

Additionally, we understand the importance of affordability and offer competitive rates without compromising on the quality of care. For your child’s safety and well-being, we maintain a clean and positive environment. With Jaycees Early Learning Center, you can rest assured that your child will receive the highest quality care.

When selecting a preschool daycare, it is essential to consider the curriculum that will be provided. The curriculum should encompass a range of learning activities, including circle time, arts and crafts, language and literacy, and math and science. At Jaycees Early Learning Center, we offer a comprehensive curriculum that addresses the developmental needs of children in both our three-year-old and four-year-old programs.

Our certified teachers, affordable rates, and commitment to a clean and positive environment make us an excellent choice for your child’s early education. Choose Jaycees Early Learning Center in Fort Washington, MD, and give your child the foundation they need to succeed. Contact us today to get started!

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