“Structured Learning for the Same Price of Day Care"

— Jaycees Foundation President - Steve Novak

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Tips for Helping Your Child Adjust to Daycare

Jun 21, 2023

Choosing a daycare center for your child can be an emotional and difficult decision. It is common for parents to feel anxious about leaving their child in the care of someone else. To make the transition to daycare smoother for both you and your child, we have put together some tips.

If you’re ready to enroll your child in infant or toddler daycare, choose our team at Jaycee’s Early Learning Center in Fort Washington. Contact us today!

Research and Choose the Right Daycare Center

Take the time to research and choose the right daycare center that meets your family’s needs. Look for a daycare that offers a safe and nurturing environment and a curriculum that aligns with your child’s interests and learning style. Jaycee’s Early Learning Center is an affordable daycare center in Maryland that provides high-quality childcare services to help your child thrive.

Establish a Routine

Children thrive on routine and predictability. Establishing a routine for your child will make the transition to daycare easier. Set a regular drop-off and pick-up time, plan for meals and naps, and provide comfort items like a favorite stuffed animal or blanket.

Communicate With Your Child

Talk to your child about what to expect at daycare, including the activities they will participate in, the friends they will make, and the teachers who will care for them. Encourage your child to ask questions and express their feelings. Remind your child that you love them and will be back to pick them up at the end of the day.

Encourage Socialization

Daycare is an excellent opportunity for your child to develop social skills and make new friends. Encourage your child to participate in group activities and engage with their classmates. Joining a playgroup or attending daycare part-time before a full-time schedule can also help ease the transition.

Enroll Your Child at Our Maryland Daycare Now!

Transitioning your child to daycare can be a daunting experience, but it can also be a positive and rewarding one for both you and your child. By researching and choosing the right daycare center, establishing a routine, communicating with your child, and encouraging socialization, you can help your child adjust to daycare more smoothly.

Jaycee’s Early Learning Center in Fort Washington is committed to providing affordable daycare and childcare services in Maryland that support your child’s development and well-being. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help your family.

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We provide young children SAFE and AFFORDABLE day care!